Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mind Control, Internal

Some people read Mind Control, and think nefarious deeds and sinister government conspiracies. However that is not the whole of the story. Here is the rest of the story:

Mind Control, when applied to the self, is about controlling one's mind and what it does and does not do. Way back from Taoist Immortals, Yogis, Sufi Masters, and Martial Art Legend, Mind Control has been very important to the well being of the self.

Wise words: Know Thy Self

Mind Control can be as simple as Passive Meditation or as directed as Dynamic Meditation (google Silva Mind Control Method). Learning to control your thoughts, and your feelings in a self directed way can create a sense of peace, ease stress, and enhance relaxation. This alone can be a prelude to great health and happiness.

Greater Mind Control will come with some beneficial side effects. An ability to read and communicate others in a meaningful way is claimed by many meditators and chi kung practitioners, so much though that those you may regularly converse with will think you are psychic. Not true really, or at least as well as I can tell, you can just pay attention better.

Be that as it may, there are many benefits to being able to control and protect your own mind, and it is worth investigating further. I highly recommend pursuits such as Yoga, Meditations, Tai Chi, Chi Kung for enhancing your control over your mind the old skool way.

If you want new school I suggest NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), the Silva Mind Control Method, and Dr. Haha Lung's books.

Fortify your Mind Castle!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mind Control with Yoga!

Did you know that those wise and benign yogi gurus of India know Mind Control techniques as sophisticated as Mesmer or any Master NLP Practitioner? Check out my article on the MindHax site about Yogi Mind Control: Learn More

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mind Control 101: Please comment

Mind Control 101: Please comment

Dantalion Jones is thinking about using addiction as subject matter of a book. He will no doubt uncover the modalities and sub-modalities, as described by Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Comment on what you might feel or think about utilizing addiction, he wants to unleash the addict in all of us.

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Dark Pattern Goes Wrong

So I was hanging out at my favorite local watering hole and this terrible drunk gets kicked out. Usually this is no big deal, they usually move along and I get to enjoy my beer in peace, and hang out with my smoking friends. But no, this time the guy says to the bouncer "F* you and your gay girl friend" To which the bouncers respond with laughter and comment on how that isn't much of an insult as they thought that would be hot if their respective girlfriends were bi.

Not to be dissuaded the inebriated fellow continues to heckle the bouncers and the crowd at large. This goes on for about 15 minutes, much to long for me to endure without doing something about it. I wanted him to leave. My thought was if he was a sad drunk he would leave, perhaps crying or perhaps not. So I say to him "So what makes you sad?" Now I do this with a down turn in my inflection and tone and simultaneously slouch to create a congruency that he would understand. Well this makes him remember something sad, and he mentions some nonsense and begins to get angry about the injustices of the world. Yeah, so what the world is unfair, we know this. In an effort to make it work... I say "And how does that make you feel?"

He freaks out! Starts yelling and screaming and flailing his hands about in a drunken tirade. Eventually another patron tries brute force and pushes him down into the street, which only serves to make him more incensed, though his tone goes down several decibels, thankfully. He even goes so far as to get into a race conversation with two black fellows, they look at me rolling their eyes trying to be as polite as possible, as the subject matter is volatile in nature.

Just goes to show you, though Dark Patterns can work, you might not get the result you were looking for. Be careful and be nice.



So I am totally into the use of Indirect or Covert Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming. I have been using these and other applied psychology strategies to great effect for better than 3 years now. I have quit smoking using NLP and Self-Hypnosis as well as other fabulous results. In this blog I will tell you about it and also mention some of the great products out there that you can check out for yourself.

Please go to my site at to see the things I have already looked into, and use now.
